One of the opportunities we enjoy at Pageant is to talk to the audience members before each show. Here the cast has a chance to bear testimony to the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon to the guests. If audience members want to know more, or have friends that might be interested, they get to give their information to the cast members. This gives people a chance to receive a copy of the Book of Mormon or even a visit from representatives of the Church. The Pageant has become a great missionary tool.
I'm grateful I had the opportunity to participate in the Pageant. On Opening Night as I stood on the stage during the Processional, I felt an assurance from the Spirit that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. It was a simple, but undeniable feeling in my heart. I pray that each may find this peace in their life as I have in mine. And I hope that you try to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant next year!