Monday, February 23, 2009

You Get What You Ask For

My life was going really well. I was so happy that nothing seemed to go wrong. I concluded my life was going too well and that I needed a trial. And a trial I got.

It wasn't the trial I would've hoped for. But I guess that's what makes it a trial. It is honestly one of the hardest things that could be asked of me right now. I did not expect it to happen.

However, it is at this time that I consider the blessings in my life. I have so many. When I consider all the great things I have going for me, I really have nothing to complain about. And when I seriously think about it, my trial is really a blessing. It is an opportunity for me to learn and grow and to build a great friendship. This so-called trial is really the best thing for me.

So I hope we all can remember to be grateful for what we do have amidst our trials. We should dwell on our many blessings and not our shortcomings or the tests we're enduring. We should do as President Monson counseled, "Find someone who is having a hard time, . . .and do something for them." When we look outward instead of inward we'll find true happiness and our trials will seem but a small moment. May we all keep an eternal perspective and find joy in serving others despite whatever difficulty we may be going through. And remember: if you ask for a trial, you'll get more than you bargained for.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Once Was Lost . . .

So it's winter. And in winter you wear coats. And when you go inside you take your coats off and carry them around. At least that's what you're supposed to do. Then one fateful Wednesday I successfully managed to lose my coat in the library. I immediately realized (well, not immediately, but very soon afterward) and tried to inquire after it at the Lost and Found. I was unsuccessful in these attempts. I only relate this tale because I went back to the Lost and Found today and they had it there - someone dropped it off yesterday. I was really happy to say the least.

We all get lost at some point or another on the road of life. The important thing is not how many times or to what degree that we get lost, but that we always make it back to the path. I'm grateful for those people that help others to come back - just as I'm grateful for the person who returned my coat to Lost and Found. Without it I'd be cold and miserable. We're promised we'll be happier if we continue striving to remain on the right path. I hope everyone is making an effort at doing this. We could all benefit from being found.